Tuesday, January 12, 2016

For 10th Class Students (SSC): While preparing for SSC examination, it is better to divide any chapter as shown above. Each chapter covers maximum all ACADEMIC STANDARDS (AS).
For example:
AS1: Recognize the concepts related to AS 1(Maximum All concepts will come).
AS2: Recognize the concepts related to AS 2(Preparing questions for discussion on any concept).
AS3: Recognize all Lab activities related to concepts in the chapter (Learn all important parts in Lab Activities).
AS4: Recognize the Collection of information (tabular data) in the chapter or project work given to you.
AS5: Find the figures given in the chapter and try to understand, what information is communicating through the diagrams. And remember all parts and labels in the figure. (Study figures in detail).
AS6: Recognize the concepts related to AS 1. (Appreciating concepts in the chapter, if any…)
AS7: Recognize the general examples and applications related to concepts in the chapter. (Maximum All real life examples if any..).

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